Code of Conduct

Important Rules
In order to make your convention experience and that of your fellow con-goers a pleasant one, we require everyone to observe the following rules. Persons violating this Code of Conduct may be asked to leave ABC. Please have your Anime Blues Con event badge openly displayed on your person at all times while in any of the convention space(s). Anime Blues Con reserves the right to refuse entrance into the events or service to any individual or group at any time.
General Rules
Failure to follow these rules may result in consequences up to and including revocation of your membership and badge, removal from convention space, and involvement of local law enforcement. The head of Anime Blues Con’s Safety Department has the final say as to the interpretation of these rules.
Anti-Harassment Policy
If someone’s behavior makes you feel unwelcome, unsafe, or uncomfortable, that is harassment.
Anime Blues Con does not allow harassment of any kind, including but not limited to behaviors such as: stalking, offensive comments, hate speech, bathroom policing, inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact, recording or taking pictures without permission, and repeatedly disrupting conversations you have been asked to leave. The aforementioned comments or hate speech could be in relation to: age, race or ethnicity, color, citizenship or national origin, relationship status, sexual orientation, gender identity or presentation, appearance, clothing, body size, pregnancy, disability, or religion. This list is not an exhaustive list.
This policy applies without exception to everyone at the convention, including attendees, panelists, vendors, guests, convention staff, and venue staff.
Membership Policies
Badges and wristbands serve as proof of membership for the dates and/or times listed on them. Your membership grants you access to all non-specialty events and function spaces based on availability and convention policies. Specialty events may require an additional fee. Badges and wristbands remain the property of Anime Blues Con and must be surrendered on request by an authorized representative of Anime Blues Con (ABC).Please remember that duplicating a membership badge is forgery- a felony in the state of Tennesse. If you are caught forging and/or selling forged badges, you will be banned from the convention, and given to the custody of the Memphis City Police
The Anime Blues Con venue spaces comprise the Exhibit Hall/Ballroom Level of the Memphis Cook Convention Center, Access to these spaces requires that proof of membership be displayed at all times. No proof of membership is required to go to registration.
Persons without proof of membership found to be loitering in any controlled spaces will be required to buy a membership or asked to leave.